Saturday, January 23, 2021

New, expanded edition of Elizabeth Gray's translation of Hafez's ghazals


I recently came across Elizabeth Grey's website and was happy to find that there is a new, expanded edition of her 1995 book, Green Sea of Heaven: Fifty Ghazals from the Diwan-i Hafiz-i Shirazi.

For this new edition, Wine & Prayer: Eighty ghazals from the Diwan of Hafiz, Dr. Gray has joined with Iraj Anvar, a scholar of Sufism and Persian poetry, to expand the number of poems from fifty to eighty. 

Here is the book's notice on her website, with links to White Cloud Press and  Amazon for review and purchase.

Here is a nice interview with Dr. Elizabeth Gray and Prof. Iraj Anvar in Persian Heritage magazine. (click on image to go to the interview.)